Oct 201710 Ways for Conducting Better Remote Business Conference Calls
In today’s digital age, remote conference calls have become a daily ritual for most businesses. Companies have openly embraced virtual meetings as they offer a cost effective solution for achieving myriads of goals. From webinars to virtual training and conferences, remote meetings are an essential part of the business workflow and communication. Yet most of us...
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Sep 2017Top 7 Business Etiquettes for Hosting International Conference Calls
As communication technology advances, connecting people across the world, the need for international conference calls has become indispensable. Today,conference call services are very commonplace, as more and more companies opt to operate across the globe and in multiple time zones. However, with these advancing collaborative technologies comes responsibility, which sadly some of us tend...
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Aug 201715 Best Productivity Apps for Startup Businesses
They say that there is an app for almost everything now. When you are running a startup or a small business, you are constantly changing job title and wearing a lot of hats at once. Naturally you start wishing there was an app to help you do your job. You start seeking ways that will aid you in increasing your productivity and make navigation of...
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Jul 20173 Signs Your Virtual Conferencing Platform is Wasting your Time
Companies today operate across multiple time zones through collaborative technologies and yet conducting high quality virtual meetings still isn’t as easy for many of us as we would like to believe. Instead of taking complete advantage of the collaborative technologies at our disposal today, we are simply transferred our exhaustive multitasking mania into the digital environment, leading to a myriad of unproductive actions and creating...
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Jun 20175 Easy Steps to Make Virtual Meetings Super Productive
Meetings can be exhausting. They are usually a myriad of unproductive actions, all jumbled up together in a multitasking mania where one presenter drones on and on while the rest zone out. Employees hate meetings and the management loves having them. Whether you have them weekly, monthly, quarterly or bi-annually, most of us roll our eyes every time we hear words like ‘team meeting’, ‘internal...
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May 2016The Definitive Guide to Save BIG on Essential Business Tools
There are some tools no business today can do without. These essential small business tools let your company function smoothly, day to day, and in the bigger scheme of things. But sometimes, these tools can weigh heavily on your company’s pocket, often making it impractical to adopt them. That’s why we’ve compiled a list...
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Apr 201623 Top Tech Influencers Reveal Their Favorite Productivity Apps
Over the years, numerous productivity apps have been launched that help us keep track of our daily schedule and to-do lists. Some of these apps are extremely simple to use, while others offer more robust features in terms of usability. And everyone has the one they prefer! So we reached out to top tech gurus asking them about the ‘ONE Productivity App they cannot live...
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Apr 2016Your Ultimate Guide of Essential Tools for Small & Medium Businesses
Running a small business can be very rewarding, allowing you to be your own boss, creating employment, and generally presenting new challenges and opportunities every day. Often, essential services that businesses need are targeted towards bigger companies, causing smaller businesses to have to get creative to get similar tools while still remaining financially viable. We’ve put together a list of reasonable services for small &...
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Apr 2016Here are Your 8 Best Free Conference Calling Services
In the current business environment, we often rely on technology to connect us to people who may be miles away from us. Clients, colleagues, bosses – there are any number of people that we need to talk to and meet with, and conference calling makes that easier. All concerned individuals sorting out their issues,...
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Apr 201610 Best VoIP Phone Services to Cut Your Landline Bill by HALF
VoIP, or voice over IP, is the best way to leverage your internet connection for voice communication, and to use it as an alternative medium to your phone. It allows users to utilize their broadband or other internet connection to make and receive conference calls. This is a great way to cut your phone...
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