Mar 201612 Reasons to use Google Hangouts over Skype for Conference Calls
Almost everyone today is familiar with Skype – for many people, it’s the go-to application to use when they want to video chat. Most people are also aware of Google Hangouts, but perhaps fewer people have tried it, or really compared its functionality with that of Skype. We think that Google Hangouts has tons of advantages over Skype. We recommend Google Hangouts over Skype for...
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Feb 201611 Best Free Podcasts For Business Productivity
In today’s busy world, it’s tough to find time to dedicate to self-improvement. You want to be more productive, but who has the time or patience to sit down and devour books or guides? Podcasts fit neatly into the free time you have throughout the day. You can even multitask and listen to them while working, doing chores, on your commute, or any other part...
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Jan 2016Here are 6 Best Alternatives to Polycom Conference Phones
What is Polycom? Polycom is a company that provides conference calling solutions, including audio conferencing and video conferencing products. It is well-known for the SoundStation, a meeting room essential, which allows for group conference calling enabling multiple participants in a conversation. Up until recently, this was a great solution. Users were able to interact with various groups of relevant people, to stay connected with offices...
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Jan 20169 Best Travel Accessories for Easy Business Traveling
Traveling can be stressful. But it can also be really great! Even if it’s for a business trip. The key is to pack all best travel accessories for long flights that come in small packages. That’s why we’ve come up with a collection of gadgets and apps that pack a punch and will fit easily into your carry-on. Over the passage of time, dynamics of...
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Jan 2016These 9 Apps Will Make Your Business Travelling Super Efficient
Business travelling is stressful at the best of times, and the absence of any appropriate business traveling apps can further complicate the entire situation. As if you didn’t have enough on your plate without having to worry about packing, transportation, or recording expenses. Statistics disclose that the use of web as well as mobile apps for business travelling is constantly surging. At the same time,...
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Dec 20157 Best iPhone Apps for Boosting Workplace Productivity
With so many workplace tasks now taking place from employees’ smartphones, employee productivity is largely determined on the workplace productivity apps for iPhone that they use on daily basis. As technology companies make use of innovative offerings to ensure satisfaction with mobile services, one of the most important factors is choosing a suite of mobile applications that can help employees on the road as well...
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Dec 2015Here’s How to Save 50% on your Next Conference Call
Cost of conference calls are an essential expense for most businesses. And a valid one, given the money they can save on travel, accommodation and miscellaneous expenses for employees going to meetings in other places. Not to mention that companies can save huge amounts of time, which is a highly scarce resource, and one that businesses have to leverage efficiently. The problem is that companies...
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Nov 2015Definitive User Guide for Android Conference Calling
Android is the most popular operating system on smartphones today, and it’s no wonder. Android is a great OS for all kinds of smartphone users especially when conducting conference calling with an android app. It’s convenient for people who just want to use their phones with the provided settings, and is also a great option for more technical users who want to root their phones...
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Nov 2015Give Me 60 Seconds and I’ll Give You Actionable Meeting Minutes
When conducted efficiently and with a clear purpose, meetings can be super productive, and really help a business to improve many facets of its operations. They’re excellent to share ideas, solve problems, and decide on next steps. There are many simple ways that you can run really productive meetings. The problem is, even with great ideas and suggestions during the meeting, often the issues and...
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Oct 2015Top 20 Tips of Conference Call Etiquette - A Cheat Sheet for Executives
Maintaining a suitable work-life balance has become a challenge for most people these days. The primary cause of this problem are pressing work demands that often than not come up at inopportune hours. The biggest example of which are those mundane meetings that you have scheduled practically every day. It’s no surprise then that such meetings often end up being inefficient or don’t generate the...
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